Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Honey Bees

Oil on panel, 23"x19".


patricia walsh said...

Wow, this is very cool. The color and composition are very unusual!

Emily Carruth Fuller said...

Hey there, I hope you don't mind me posting on your blog. I'm just getting started in my art career and building a network. I saw your paintings up at Terzian, I love your stuff! Also, I graduated from BYU and studied under Sunny Belliston-looks like you know her as well!

Duma said...

Amazing work!!

Chris Rohrbach said...

Nice value control and color restraint.

zp said...

Looks good! Where is the one you did in Mt Pleasant?

Родионов Евгений said...

Cool!!! I at first sight have not believed that it is drawn by oil! Fine!!!